In Fall 2017, Type A Projects and L+M Development Partners were designated a multi-acre site along the Harlem River in the South Bronx — one of the largest vacant, City-owned parcels left in the borough — that has transformed a long-vacant site into a dynamic mixed-use development, an active connection to the waterfront and a world-class cultural destination.
Bronx Point activates the riverfront and provides new, high-quality public open spaces alongside the development of 542 units of permanently affordable apartments, a home for the Universal Hip Hop Museum, educational and service spaces for BronxWorks, and retail spaces.
Integral to this project is the extension of Mill Pond Park, the creation of a waterfront esplanade, and activation of open space with family-centric programming including a new plaza on Exterior St, a playground, a grand viewing stair and landscaped opportunities for the community to come together.